
Payment Collection Technology

For businesses looking to automate their billing

Collect Payments

Ensure your company gets paid on time, directly from account to account.

Unpaid invoices

Recover unpaid invoices without bothering your clients.

Reconcile Accounts

Keep your company’s financial records up to date instantly.

Simplify Collection Tasks

Waiting for transfers, Sales visits, Customer emails, Customer calls, Incidents of all kinds, Failed payment dates, Payment installments, Resending invoices, Returns, Reconciliations, Disputes, Customer churn, Negotiations, Treasury…


Forget about collection tasks

Set up your collection policies

Strengthen Business Relationships

Your company only needs to invoice

Collect Payments or Resolve Client Delays

Automated Reconciliation

Full End-to-End Automation

From your client’s account to yours

Your Invoices Paid Seamlessly, Bank to Bank

Your Client Pays Securely, Directly from Their Invoice

Seamless Payment Reconciliation in Your ERP

Get paid when you invoice

f your client controls the payment timing, make it simple for them.

Add a payment button to your invoice so they can pay instantly,

Or send timely reminders to ensure on-time payments


Your Overdue Payments Recovered

Your Company Will No Longer Chase Clients for Payments

Technology Handles the Entire Process with No Manual Intervention

The System Notifies, Resolves, and Collects—Even

After Long Delays

Recover Year’s Old Debts in Just 30 Days

Your company can unlock unexpected revenue by recovering long-overdue payments through technology.

Simply upload a file with the necessary details

and start receiving long-overdue payments directly into your account



You are One Demo Away from Unlocking Automated Collections

In minutes, you can see how you can collect an invoice or resolve an overdue payment effortlessly.

Our clients have eliminated the burden of chasing payments and handling disputes.

They customized the process with their company’s branding and payment system.

Ongoing support and expert guidance at every step.